10 Powerful Ways to Read People Like a Book

read people like a book

Read People Like a Book: A Deep Dive into Patrick King’s Masterpiece Introduction to Read People Like a Book In a world driven by social interactions, the ability to understand people is invaluable. Patrick King’s Read People Like a Book offers a powerful guide to decoding human behavior, improving communication, and mastering the art of […]

Love Bombing Exposed: The Shocking Truth

Love bombing

Have you ever met someone who showered you with affection, compliments, and gifts right away? Did they make you feel like you were the most special person in the world? At first, it felt amazing—like a fairytale romance. But then, things started to feel overwhelming, even a little off. If this sounds familiar, you might […]

Virtual Reality Effects on Behaviour: 7 Powerful Ways It Transforms Us!

Virtual Reality Effects on Behaviour

I’ll be honest—I’ve never actually used a virtual reality (VR) headset. But ever since my younger brother started asking for those high-tech VR glasses, I couldn’t help but wonder: What are the true virtual reality effects on behaviour? How does immersing yourself in a digital world impact the way you see and interact with the real […]

Why Do People Lie? The Shocking Truth Behind Deception

child lying

We’ve all been there—you find yourself telling a little white lie without even thinking about it. Maybe you told a friend their new haircut looked great (when it really didn’t) or came up with a quick excuse to avoid plans. Lying is something nearly everyone does from time to time. Some lies are harmless, but […]

Navigating Grief: My Journey Through the Five Stages (Or Not)

angel statue

Grief is a deeply personal journey, and no one experiences it the same way. The five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, were introduced by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book On Death and Dying. This model has been widely accepted and used to understand the emotional process of loss. I mainly agree with this model, but there are […]

Dual Process Theory: Understanding Thinking and Its Applications

boy looking into the distance and thinking

The dual process theory, developed by Daniel Kahneman, offers a fascinating perspective on academic and everyday thinking. It explains why people often make errors in simple situations and how focus can help overcome complex problems. The theory has applications across various fields, from education and psychology to tackling the cognitive challenges of daily life. Dual […]

The Hidden Subconscious Influences on Our Everyday Life

iceberg in the ocean

Our everyday life is often guided by subconscious influences —unconscious patterns and signals that often go unnoticed. Have you ever realized how a word, gesture, or even a small detail can subtly shape your feelings and behavior? Research shows that these hidden forces, including the words we hear and the gestures we make, significantly influence […]